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To help children blossom into conscious individuals to embrace  moral values and make choices for harmony and the highest good.

Our Mission

To help children develop an inner compass that will prepare and guide them to explore, examine, and express themselves in alignment with society and Nature.


The ultimate objective is to create an eco-system of love, compassion, tolerance, and friendship among children. Providing a foundation for children based on universal principles and values that becomes  their  inner compass in dealing effortlessly with challenges and decisions in life.   


Create an environment  where children feel nurtured, respected, and are  able to express themselves fearlessly. In this safe environment the children would have the opportunity to experience and express their true selves with confidence, self-compassion, and ease, that they will be accepted and loved for who they are, without any judgement. Creating a world for children where they feel cared for, nurtured, and loved.

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